If your credit score is less than perfect, how do you work your way back up? There are plenty of ways to raise a credit score, and some are much easier than you might think! Take a look at a few smart and strategic tips to increase your credit score, so you can get one step closer to your financial goals.
Learning how to get a better credit score is equal parts patience and diligence, and a good first step is to check your credit report. The Fair Credit Reporting Act entitles you one free copy a year from all three major credit bureaus: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. Many Republic and Ozark are shocked to find errors on their credit reports that can be easily corrected, so don’t overlook this step!
Next, it’s time to tackle your debts. While debts can feel overwhelming, you can take small steps to organize your finances and eventually improve your credit score.
Now that you have a broader picture of your finances, you’re ready to create a payment plan. You can start with the smaller debts to get them out of the way, or speak with lenders about ways to incrementally pay off larger sums.
Credit cards can be a benefit or a drawback to your credit score. Here are the reasons why:
Want more tips and tricks on how to get a better credit score? Contact us at Corwin Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram® of Springfield, and our finance team would be happy to help. You can also check out our car buying tips or stop by our dealership in Springfield for in-person assistance.
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